Cycle of conferences “Mary Magdalene, cherished figure of sacred art”
Who is Mary Magdalene and why is she the cherished figure of sacred art ?
A cherished figure in sacred art, Mary Magdalene is undoubtedly one of the most famous characters in the New Testament. However, it is also singularly unknown. First, because it is sometimes difficult to identify her. Is she the anonymous sinner, Mary of Bethany who welcomes Christ into her home with her sister Martha and obtains the resurrection of her brother Lazarus; or Mary of Magdala healed by Jesus of the “seven demons”, one of his most faithful disciples, witness of the Passion and the first to whom he appeared after the Resurrection ?
But this biblical heroine, both fallible and chosen, a sinner before being saved, nonetheless remains close to the faithful. Beauty of the body and beauty of the soul are united in this saint who, a long time ago, crossed the threshold of religion to invest the field of the arts. She is one of the figures of the Gospel who has most inspired artists.
Through magnificent works, I will explain to you how each era invented “its” Magdalene and why Mary Magdalene is the cherished figure of sacred art in a series of online conferences with the possibility of replay.
“Mary Magdalene, cherished figured of sacred art” : Purpose and topics
Her legend and her role have been variously interpreted over the centuries.Her complex history and her religious importance make her one of the major artistic themes which, despite certain characteristic features, show great diversity.
I invite you to discover some masterpieces, from the Middle Ages to the present day, dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Paintings, sculptures, poems, music…

Opening session- SUNDAY, MAY, 5TH
- Episode 1 : Who is Mary Magdalene and how do we recognize her ? The answer has varied over the centuries. In art, as in the interpretation of Scripture.
- Episode 2 : Mary Magdalene, from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.
- Episode 3 : The specific topic of her representations at the crucifixion and the resurrection. It is a theme that has spanned the centuries but we will see that Magdalene has been represented in different ways.
- Episode 4 : The Golden Legend and her Provençal episode, her retreat at the grotto.
- Episode 5 : Mary Magdalene and the contemporary art : Today, Mary Magdalene is among the rare saints who still inspire artists.
Support our Association with these two attractive options :
- € 25 for one session
- Special package offer : € 100 for the 5 sessions
- 30% of the subscription will be donated to the Santo Madaleno Association that I founded with friends decades ago. Our main task is to maintain and transmit Provençal traditions. We are also responsible for organizing the Mary Magdalene Festival in St Maximin in July
- Recording versions available with a secured link on Vimeo
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