Jill Sand – October 2017

Chapel St Mary Magdalene St Maximin

Jill came with a group of 6. We met in Toulouse under a pouring rain !! so much they embarked in my van, totally soaked ! We believed the water was a blessing and indeed, we have been blessed all along our journey, travelling from Carcassonne to St Maximin, passing by Minerve, Rennes le Château, Seat of Isis and Stes Maries de la mer. Every day during breakfast, we were used to draw the Divine cards and we had fun to comment what they were predicting to each of us. I remember Jill and I read many times the same !!

Testimonial left by Jill Sand:

“I lead yoga and meditation retreats around the world. I was looking for a very specific itinerary that would include a Mary Magdalene pilgrimage as well as places for us to practice yoga and meditation along our journey. Veronique exceeded our group’s expectations for finding the perfect locations for yoga, both indoors and outdoors! And she provided perfect lodgings eating accommodations along our journey.

I have led ten retreats in the past 5 years, and this retreat was, by far, the best one yet! Veronique is a marvelous guide and so well-informed and open to thoughts on the life and times of Mary Magdalene, Jesus and the travelers.”

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