Mary Magdalene is the “Bearer of the Anointing”, always identified by her vase of perfumes,
From time immemorial in the East, Egyptians, Essenes used Sacred oils and Onctions. They made a therapeutic, liturgical, sacred and transcendental use.
Indeed, the Anointing of the sick is a sacrament that Jesus instituted. The anointing of oil is related to the gift of grace. It is the sign of the New Covenant, bridge between our human and divine filiation.
The reception of the healing Christ is the fruit of an act of faith, faith in Life, faith in Love …
It is the negation of passivity in front of suffering and sickness. In Mark, 5, 34 : “Your faith saved you, go in peace, and be healed of your evil.”
What is essential in the healings of Jesus is his way of looking at the whole person and his unity (body, soul and spirit), as well as in his human and divine filiation.
Sacred Oils are the expression of a multi-millennial Feminine
Mary Magdalene and the first Christians practiced the Anointing in the same therapeutic spirit as that taught by Jesus. That’s why she is the “Bearer of the Anointing”.
All healing of the body necessarily passed through the recognition, the healing of the wounds of the soul, and the reunification of our wounded and fragmented parts by suffering.
The art of anointing is to elaborate oily preparations and to transmit them by the laying on of hands and touch.
To be effective, they applied the scented ointments for a long time on the bodies they impregnated in depth, as to transform them by loving care. At the same time that the ointment penetrates into the flesh, the perfume escapes and develops a new body.
Thus, Mary Magdalene transported to Gaul her knowledge of rare, precious oils and perfumes, with which she anointed the master’s feet at Bethanie.
Her oils were rather complex preparations of infused plants and fragrant essences. For, she used odoriferous plants such as garlic, anise, mint, lavender, myrrh and spikenard. Its narcotic and soothing properties help to relieve physical suffering and to calm psychic suffering. Because her oils were imbued with the very essence of the holistic teaching of Jesus.
That is why, diffusing her oily preparations in Gaul of the first Christianity, she left her mark in many places. Of course, the best known is La Sainte Baume.