Interview with Betsy Wiersma, an American mix media artist
When Mary Magdalene puts on your way a wonderful encounter!
There are people with whom you feel immediately connected. This was the case with Betsy.
She participated in the BLOOM! retreat last May. Then, Betsy stayed a few more days with me to discover the places where Mary Magdalene had announced the good news.
Betsy is back in the podcast business and asked me to record this interview in which I talk about my origins, my passions and of course my beloved Mary Magdalene, AKA Mado in our intimate circle of friends.
I am very grateful to Betsy for her generosity. Indeed, she decided to donate to my association Santo Madaleno Association to support Mary Magdalene traditions and our annual festival with any sales of her Mary Magdalene Love & Light art….
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I have the pleasure to share this interview with Betsy Wiersma with you. Enjoy !