Sara Gypsy Festival in Camargue

Crypt - Les Saintes Maries de la mer

Sara Gypsy Festival in Camargue takes place on the 24th of May.
During a few days, thousands of Gypsies come to Les Saintes Maries de la Mer to pay tribute to their Black Madonna. This is a very special moment, the statue of Sara and the 2 Mary, Salome and Jacobe, are carried in procession through the village from the church to the sea.
The procession is preceded by the Gardiane Nation, which is responsible for maintaining traditions in the Camargue. The riders, called the Gardians, ride these superb white horses, a breed that dates back to Antiquity. Indeed, these were the favorite horses of the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar.

Who was St. Sara ?

A humble servant or a queen at the head of a tribe, from a noble race?
Patron Saint of Travelers, Saint Sara remains an enigma.
History has preserved several traditions.
Depending on whether one follows the Catholic tradition or the Gypsy one, the explanations differ. And, to this day no one can give a definitive historical and scientific answer.

Sara Gypsy Festival in Camargue

Unfortunately, again this year the Gipsys will not be able to celebrate and honor their Black Madonna, Sara.
For the city will be closed for a week to visitors. What a sadness, no Festival for 2 years!
Fortunately, we still have the memories … I will be happy to share them with you during the online pilgrimage in partnership with Kayleen Asbo, my dear friend.
I will tell you the story of the Gypsy Tradition, the Camargue cross, the white horses, the bulls and the flamingoes.
Finally, we will share the devotion to this Black Madonna venerated for centuries.
I particularly love this fishermen village of les Saintes Maries. I guess, as a participant to this exceptional pilgrimage, you will greatly appreciate this very special time !

Kayleen and I are looking forward to meeting you there !!
Save the date :
Saturday, May 29, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM PDT

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